Gygan Reign is a multiplayer Unity 3D real-time strategy tower defense game that was my Senior Design Project with 10 other team members. My role on the team was a Concept Artist and Graphic Designer. Working closely with the Creative Lead, Jonathan Ahnert, and the other Concept Artist, Henderson Yan, I developed concept designs, orthographics, and UI mock-ups for the game. I was also responsible for designing promotional materials such as posters, buttons, and a giant banner that was on display in the URBN Center’s lobby for a month. Below are some of my concept sketches to show the iterative process, orthographics of the creatures, and promotional designs.
- Gygan Reign postcard/flyer design
- Gygan button designs
- Environment/Game Mock-up concept design
- Environment aesthetic concept designs
- Environment aesthetic concept designs
- Rock aesthetic concept designs
- Brigade Tower rough orthographic
- Brigade Super Unit rough orthographic
- Brigade Super Unit range of motion test
- Brigade Unit rough orthographic
- Brigade Unit digital concepts round 4
- Brigade Unit digital concepts round 3
- Brigade Unit digital concepts round 2
- Brigade Unit digital concepts round 1
- Brigade Unit concept pencil sketch
- Action posed illustration of final design by Henderson Yan
- Rough orthographic
- Digital concepts round 7
- Digital concepts round 6
- Digital concepts round 5
- Digital concepts round 4
- Digital concepts round 3
Here are also some photos of my team at the 2015 Game Design Conference and in our signature Whale House Studios shirts in San Francisco, CA.